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Child labor in Africa

Causes of child labor in Africa

Africa has been reported to have the largest number of child laborers, where numerous kids are forced to work in farms and factories. A lot of parents and guardians have subjected their children into doing hard works, therefore depriving them of their important rights such as; right to attend school, play and live a stately life. There are a lot of factors and causes of child labor in Africa.

Below are the reasons why child labor is rampant in Africa:

Poverty and lack of jobs

According to research done by The U.N in 2015, it was reported that more than half of the Africa population lives in poverty. This for the reason that many people are unemployed, therefore it has made many families subject their children to child labor so that they can raise some income to cater to family needs. It has seen many children drop out of school to look for work, therefore denying them their right to education.

Ignoring the law

Although there are laws in the countries, they are often ignored and not well implemented. This has lead to greater misuse and abuse of innocent kids. Unresponsiveness by the legislature and society has led to an increase in child labor in under-developed nations.

Lack of women support

The earlier notion that women should not be educated still exists in many countries women empowerment. It has seen many women deprived of education and forced to do domestic chores at a tender age. These societies believe that when a woman is educated, she will not fit into the customary role of being a housewife and giving birth to children. This thought drives child labor, and girls are forced to do household works from a very young age.


Numerous families migrate into cities, with prospects that they will find green pasture. This occurs because of the lack of adequate resources in rural areas. However, lack of jobs in urban areas too, makes these people subject kids to child labor so as to raise income.

Conclusion Child labor should be stopped; the government and the society, in general, ought to take tough measure s for any person who is found practicing child labor.